Love in a Wisp

A wisp of love led me astray
Sipping the toxins unknown, dismay

See rains in May, clouds tearing the sun
Supposing – the mist dripped one by one

It were tears, leading solitary fears
Not willing to give up, fleeting warmth

Sniping the reality, like a foreign dream
Call into question the innocent sleep

Insane – the crossroads, no one around
The winds playing, make a pensive sound

The wide light orange, kicks in a hint
A shadow’s stint, demands to lead a way

Blinded by trust, the clouds too follow
Searching for morrow, unsated desires

Lying deep within the illimitable oceans
The darkest secrets of broken hearts

Will never be the same – love in a wisp
Love in a wisp, devil’s sip, angels dip

Pooja Alok
Twitter: @poojaavj

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